Thursday, June 18, 2015

Measurements - Month 2

Day 61. Measurements. Here goes.

Weight 178.2 lbs, 80.8 kg (in case you forgot - I'm 5'3", 63 cm tall)

Waist 81.5 cm, 32.1 in

Hips 109.5 cm, 43.1 in

Right thigh 74.5 cm, 29.3 in

Left arm 38 cm, 14.9 in

Neck 34.5 cm, 13.5 in

I'm basically the same size I was as when I started this diet 2 months ago. Right after my indulgent week of carbs that left my body bloated. My thighs are way bigger than I anticipated.

I'm not pleased.

There's not much else I care to say. My spirit is slightly crushed. However, time will trudge on no matter what I'm eating. And to be honest, I want to complete the experiment now that I'm 61 days into it.

So I shall.

Day 60 update

Hello blog, good to see you. Just thought I'd pop in. Today is Thursday, June 18. Otherwise known as Day 61 in this WOE.

Over the past month (month 2 of this all-meat eating experiment), several notable things have happened.

On May 23rd, I took part in the Crossfit "Murph" challenge. This was a poor decision health-wise, probably, since I hadn't been an active participant at Crossfit for about 4 weeks at the time. If you don't know, this Murph workout is

1 mile run
100 pullups (I substituted ring rows)
200 pushups (I did them on my knees)
300 air squats
1 mile run

This whole stupid affair took me 1 hour and 12 minutes to complete. I pretty much just walked the last mile. After I was done, I tested my blood sugar and I was 237 mg/dl. YIKES. Just like old times, when I used to eat paleo carbs and then work out.

I was also sore for 5 days in my legs/core area, and for 8 days in my arms. I seriously thought I had a mild case of rhabdomyolysis. But my pee wasn't dark and I didn't get puffy, so probably not. One of the folks at my gym at least DID suffer that fate, however. Crossfit is dangerous, kids.

After that challenge, I could feel my body get a bit puffier/fatter. It was probably inflammation contributing to a bit of weight gain.

Also this month, my poops have been inconsistent, still, and some acne has reappeared. I thought for sure my stomach things would settle out this month, but I feel like things are still quite unpredictable. I hope I'm not giving myself some kind of gastrointestinal disorder. This may have something to do with the fact that I've added eggs in from time to time, and cheese maybe 2x a week (not that often, but it's not off limits either). I'll monitor these things. They're very annoying and hard to miss.

I went to the endocrinologist for a checkup, and my A1c increased from 5.2 to 6.2. This one was a bit of a blow. I pretty much looked a gift horse in the mouth when I turned away from keto to carnivory, it seems. Here are my past month's numbers as taken from my meter at the doctor's office:

I'll be waiting with bated breath to see how I do next month. I have increased my nighttime Lantus dosage to 10 units, originally 7 units in mid-April. I'll probably have to increase further.

And I can definitely tell I'm getting fatter. In fact, I know I am. I bought some pairs of pants from Savers this weekend, because the pants I have are getting too tight. :'( Measurements I took this morning confirm this. I'll have a separate post up later with my measurements. It's not pretty.

I need to work on being happier and more content with myself. But it's hard when I'm not seeing the results I want. Oh well. Onward to Month 3!