Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 31 measurements

First, here are my original measurements. This was after a whole week of carb loading, so I take them with a grain of salt.

Weight 180.4 lbs, 81.8 kg (I am 5'3", 63 cm tall)

Waist 82.5 cm, 32.5 in

Hips 110 cm, 43.3 in

Right thigh 69.5 cm, 27.4 in

Left arm 36.5 cm, 14.4 in

Neck 34.5 cm, 13.6 in

Now, here are my measurements today, May 19, day 31 of meatdom:

Weight 170.0 lbs, 77.1 kg (I am still 5'3", 63 cm tall)

Waist 79 cm, 31.1 in

Hips 110 cm, 43.3 in (same!)

Right thigh 69.5 cm, 27.4 in (same!)

Left arm 36.5 cm, 14.4 in (same!)

Neck 34.5 cm, 13.6 in (same!)

Ok, so the values above that are labeled "same" are only 1-2 centimeters off (in the wrong direction, wtf?). Given that I'm measuring myself, and my arms/legs are so flabby, they're essentially unchanged.

This is all very interesting. Maybe my scale is acting up today, maybe I really have lost some weight but not that many inches. I can't wait to see what next month brings!

I also took some pictures, but I don't think they're very impressive or different looking yet so I think I'll wait until at least the 6 month mark to share.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Today is day 30!

Halleluia, I have made it! Day 30 of drinking nothing but water and eating nothing but meat and animal products!

The past few days were pretty uneventful as far as symptoms/improvements go. I still appear to waver back and forth between solid and loose stool depending on how much fat I eat or if my period happens. I also thought I was getting another pimple on my chin, but the very next day I woke up and that same spot was significantly shrunken/dried up. I can't even find where I thought I had that pimple now!

I'm confident that my body and mind can only improve from here, which is why I'm continuing upon this meat path for at least another year, if not many more. This is what I intended from the beginning. I wasn't so naive as to believe I'd lose all my weight in this 30-day experiment. In fact, I don't think I've lost anything besides the water/bloating I originally made myself gain from my pre-meat carb gorgefest. But I'm going to really give it some serious effort.

Real talk: This is the latest thing I'm trying in an effort to reach my goal of 140 lbs. I really hope it is the last.

The insulin/blood sugar situation appears to have been sorted out for now. I'm injecting more Humalog and slightly more Lantus. My numbers have been in the 100-130 mg/dl range more often, with some 80s peppered in. For now, I am happy.

Slight mishap on Saturday with some insulin overdosing when I ate an entire rack of lamb for dinner (it was just so good - and Tim didn't want any because he only likes meat when it's well-done brown, not pink). I thought it had more protein than it did, which is why a few hours after I'd eaten, I checked my blood sugar and it was 51.

I was panicking, not wanting to derail my meat/no sweets progress, but also wanting desperately to shove some candy or other food in my mouth so that bad hypoglycemic feeling would pass.

I chose to eat some cream cheese. And by that, I mean an entire block.

#diabetesproblems, am I right people??

Despite this block of cheese only having less than 8 grams of carbs, and only about 16 grams of protein, a few hours later I checked and my blood sugar had risen to 138. Does this seem crazy to you? It did to me. I guess when it comes to insulin dosing and eating, your body can always surprise you.

I really try not to eat cheese a lot or make it the main focus of any meal or snack. But it's nice to know that cheese is sort of my new candy, and can fulfill the purpose of making my blood sugar rise when I need it.

My plan for my blog now is to update monthly at least, with measurement and progress updates. I don't want to weigh in more often than that for fear of making myself absolutely crazy. I'm already a 29-year-old woman, who is ethnic and raised in America, and also fat ever since I can remember. So, the less time I spend on the scale the better.

Meat is love.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

In the home stretch

Today is day 24, and I'm feeling good! I think ground beef and ribeye does a body nice. Last week's pot roast experiment did not end up so well. Think cramping and camping out on the porcelain. I wonder if it was too much protein?

Anyway, my itchiness appears to be subsiding, and I haven't noticed many if any new blemishes on my face. I'm lovin' it. I've been on an early period this week too, so I'm interested to know how The Crimson Wave will be for me next month when I've been on this way of eating for longer.

The face this egg is making reflects how I felt when I woke up Monday morning (yesterday) and my blood sugar was 207 fasting.

Mother. effing. 207.

I had to make sure I wasn't using expired insulin. Whaddya know, I WAS. Exp date was 10/2014. I always tried to stretch out the usage of my insulin pens beyond what was probably acceptable (30 days). But yikes. My bad.

Replaced my Humalog with a fresh pen. I'm trying not to be afraid of dosing myself as I need it. I'm going to get my numbers down or go low trying.

This 207 was also probably the result of my less than optimal meals at restaurants this weekend while the in-laws were in town. I think I managed very well though, and I know enough to not go to a Mexican restaurant if I can help it. Or at least, not Taqueria Mexico. 

I got a plain carne asada steak, and some huevos con jamon. I tasted it and I could tell the ham was adulterated with something sweet. It tasted like something I might get in a Chinese (well, American Chinese) restaurant. 

Proud to say I did avoid any tortilla chips, breads, and supplementary potatoes in all incarnations. Maybe I can say I'm #winning even if my diabetes hasn't gotten with the program entirely. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 20 - some weirdness

Today is day 20, and I think things are getting easier just the longer I go on with this meat and water plan. I had a chuck roast in the crock pot going over night (no water, just some salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder!), so I ate half of it for breakfast around 8:45 am today. I added some butter and bacon grease to it so as to increase my fat ratios, and this held me over until 5:15 pm! I just ate the other half of it, with some more butter :)

Granted, I think that the long period between my meals today has to do with this new symptom that's cropped up in the past couple days - I've been having heartburn, which has NOT been a common ailment in my life. And the meat burps ensue, which definitely keeps my appetite down. I think that's probably bad. 

The other weird thing that I'm noticing is that my face is itchy. Other parts of my body (arms) are a bit itchy also, but it's very bizarre that around my mouth, chin, and cheeks I seem to be scratching, even just a little. 

Don't get me wrong - I love touching my face. I'm a face toucher if there ever was one. I like to just check on all my bumps and blemishes, and I scan my chin for new tiny black hairs that need plucking, usually absent-mindedly while I read work emails. But now I've become a face itcher, and it's quite weird. I don't even have more redness or bumps than usual. Maybe that means it's all in my head. 

Whatever. I won't worry until it starts interfering with my life or my looks. Hopefully this is all just part of the adaptation process. I imagine things will level out in time.

Oh, and I changed the name of my blog. The original title URL was yukshik.blogspot.com, which is the Korean word for carnivore. I think I realized it was a bit clunky and esoteric.

I also originally thought about making the URL diameates.blogspot.com, but the first time my husband looked over my shoulder and read it, he pronounced it "die-uh-meets." That's not what I had in mind. Luckily, my brain was able to crap out diameatus.blogspot.com. Wins in my book for still being punny, and it's just so much more fun because it makes me think of Wilford Brimley. You know what I mean.

The early 2000s kids had this remix stuck in their heads for a little while. Or was it just me?

Thursday, May 7, 2015


My blood sugar was a bit high this morning, I realize. 157 when I woke up. I didn't correct. But come the fuck on, 193 as I just tested??! 3 hours postprandial??!!!



Think soothing thoughts.

I took 2 units of Humalog. This routine is getting so old.

Now that I look at what I ate (5 oz sandwich ribeye, 3 slices of bacon, only about 500 cal total), the protein amount may have been out of whack with my fat amount. I think I'm going to need to stick to fatty ground beef more often in the morning. 

This fucking chronic condition, in addition to being associated with elevated risk for heart disease, kidney failure, neuropathy, amputations etc. also makes one prone to swearing.

Day 19 and I'm kinda pissed

Just when I had gotten all cocky and settled with my awesome blood sugar numbers while on keto, I decide to try this thing and now my dead pancreas is even more angry for some reason.

Here are my past week's numbers (all BS values are mg/dl):

Wed April 29 (last Crossfit day)

Fasting 8:26 am - 132

10:31 am - 200 (spike due to intense exercise, I believe I corrected)

2:21 pm - 95

5:50 pm - 86

10:59 pm - 104

Thurs April 30

Fasting 8:47 am - 121

4:21 pm - 90

10:02 pm - 115

Fri May 1 

Fasting 8:36 am - 97

3:41 pm - 130

10:03 pm - 132

11:41 pm - 155

Sat May 2

Fasting 10:11 am - 137

3:14 pm - 108

10:09 pm - 146

Sun May 3

Fasting 10:30 am - 139

1:45 pm  - 148

4:58 pm - 138

8:26 pm - 133

10:55 pm - 129

Mon May 4

Fasting 8:30 am - 111

11:48 am - 157

4:42 pm - 131

11:26 pm - 132

Tues May 5 

Fasting 9:03 am - 143

1:02 pm - 142

10:33 pm  - 184 (!!??)
It is at this point I freaked out and took 2 corrective Humalog units (one shot), and raised my Lantus from 7 units to 8 units at bedtime (one shot, though I'm considering splitting into two. I remember Dr. Bernstein saying that if a shot is larger than 6 or so units, it doesn't get absorbed the right way.).

Wed May 6

Fasting 8:05 am - 108

11:55 am - 180 (!!?? this was only a few hours after eating a 5 oz sandwich ribeye steak. Fatty and good. Makes no sense)

2:17 pm - 135

4:32 pm - 101

9:28 pm - 121

11:39 pm - 110

Thurs May 7

Fasting 8:42 am - 157

This is the last number I have, and so frustrating. Granted, I will say that last night at 10 pm I decided to eat probably 12 oz of ground beef. My hunger signals that day were strange. I ate until very stuffed, Thanksgiving stuffed, at that nighttime meal.

My numbers are definitely better than many other type 1 diabetics can say, and I'm lucky. I also realize I live a blessed existence, having access to all the medical supplies and medicines I need. After 17 years (my Diabetiversary is some time this month) I think I should just trust that I have the skills to slowly correct my dosing.

My fear is going low and ruining my meat experiment. I'm also hoping to keep my A1c number in check for the next time I see my doctor, in June I believe. Ironic that too much stress about keeping my numbers good can in itself contribute to high blood sugar. SMH, man.

Monday, May 4, 2015

I'm the idiot

...who let her grip get too slack on her greasy microwave container, and ended up dropping two hamburger patties and their grease on the break room floor today at work. But I still ate those patties, because I have no shame and they were delicious.

Luckily, the spill was localized to the corner just near the microwave, under the counter. I mopped it up as best I could, and just hoped no one would decide to dance over there and break their hip.

Day 16 almost in the books. Oh, and I had a real, honest to goodness poop today! It had been a few days, and I have been EATING. Probably 2500, 3000 cals most days. Amazing.

For little 5'3" me, the eating to satiety part it's been really awesome. I've restricted myself to less than 1800 too many days of my life. I'm loving this meatness. It's getting easier to resist the sweet "foods" around me. Today we had donuts at work for the billionth time this year. I didn't even lift the flap up off the box to see what kinds there were.

I seem to be sleeping really well. Not that easy for me to get up in the morning yet, but I'm sure it'll improve with time.

One other bodily improvement I noticed is that my tongue is no longer coated. I've had a white coated tongue for as long as I can remember! This is weird and great! I'm on my way to being normal!!

Blood sugars have been high still, in the 130s to 150s. Remarkably steady, but still high. I hate that I have to pump myself with insulin. If I weren't the level-headed human I am, I'd skip my Lantus dose for a few days (weeks?) to trim down. They call that "diabulemia," kids, and it's a big no-no. You could literally die. I could give myself diabetic-ketoacidosis.

Insulin makes you fat, but it also makes you live. I kinda like living, so I'll stick with the plan ;)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Day 14 happenings

Tim is going to take me out for barbecue tonight, since I helped him edit his school paper. I always help him edit his papers, but still. If he wants to take me for a night on the town, I'm not one to argue!

Today is May 2, day 14. So far I've eaten probably about a pound of ground beef, 73/27. Nice and fatty. I stocked up on that stuff at Aldi, so I'm pretty much set for a week or two, maybe three.

A few things to note. Yesterday I went a whole day, finally, with no bowel movement. Up to now they hadn't been very inspiring or normal in nature. Maybe my body is finally being nourished by all the meat I'm giving it, and has nothing left for the toilet. I think I'm heading in the right direction.

I may be drinking too much water, and possibly confusing hunger signals and thirst signals. After all, isn't it such a common diet trope? "Stop confusing your thirst for hunger! If you're hungry, try drinking a big glass of water before you eat." How weird and lovely to live on this meat-eating path, where such fooling of the body is not necessary, and in fact detrimental to progress!

Finally, I think I'm going to have to halt the Crossfit workouts for the foreseeable future. I've been in denial about this, but I'm probably just confusing my metabolism, and not letting my overweight body heal properly. I'm sad about this.

The social aspect of it will be missed, as will the stress-relieving parts, and the parts where I beat someone occasionally with my double-unders skillz and it feels goooood. But we did the hero WOD "Manion" on Wednesday. I am STILL sore on day 4 of the aftermath. I didn't even do it the Rx way. But 145 squats at 105 lbs and 1.25 miles of running is probably just the workout to make and keep me fat. My body thinks I'm in some kind of hunting situation and is unleashing the cortisol meant to build my belly fat to protect my vital organs.

Off to chow down on some brisket!